After this mornings 6am jogging class, I was completely finish with undergraduate assignments, FOR-EV-VER (sandlot). It's crazy, but at the same time not really, since I've had an easy going last semester. However looking back to when my college experience first started when my Mom said her goodbye's at my good ole' Heritage Halls dorm, living on my own, walking my butt everywhere IN THE SNOW, budgeting every crumb of my meals, coming home for summer vacay & being swept off my feet by my husband, transferring to BYU-Hawaii, getting married, living in TVA, full-time student+part-time working+full term pregnant, giving birth, and now graduating with my little one tearing my house down around me....and moving, wow, that ALL seems more amazing than an actual degree. Life is interesting.
I thought I wouldn't marry until 23, I'd finish at BYU-Provo and head on to Law or Grad School, travel the world inside and out, dress absolutely flawless everyday, never even THINKING about children and basically staying far far away from Laie.
And well, I got a BETTER deal.
Thanks Heavenly Father. For allowing me to be in the right place at the right time to meet James, and to allow us to create the lives we have so far. For Mahie...who drives me nuts and has taught me QUICKLY that I wasn't born with patience ;)
1st camera pic I sent to my parents!
Me & my roommate Bryn (who has a little boy now)

She was so nice, fun, sporty, and frickin weird it cracked me up that I became friends with her. After about 4 days being in Provo with my Mom and Aunty Linda, my Mom finally forced me to start taking things over to my dorm. It was cool checking in, getting my own key (& BYU rape whistle)....but as soon as I opened my door, I was like "what the hell?" There were pictures of pirates everywhere on the wall, bed, desk opposite me. I didn't mind the Johnny Depp ones, but I told my Mom that I wasn't staying there. Haha, Bryn and I made the best pair out of all the roommates in our dorm apartment. I remember knocking her out with my pillow because she kept farting one night, and then I got scared and poured water on her face. I introduced her to Rated R movies, lol, the good ones though aka The Patriot and 300, lol. We LOVED the Lord of the Rings trilogy. I hated her older brother and she knew I wanted to kill him, lol. I made her dye her hair goth black. She had my back when I told off our immature Relief Society President. She truly kept me active in Church, and taught me the difference between jam and jelly.
One thing why I always encourage anyone to go to school on the mainland, well, its because its on the mainland hello! For me, home will always be take advantage of experiencing what's out there. Once I realized that I was my own Boss out there in Utah, I was definitely out and about. I truly experienced a fun and full two years of mainland college life. And if one thing, haoles know how to plan activities and they always have one right after another.
(Paramore Concert in VEGAS) Tammy, Claire & Bryn |
Me & Amanda heading to her house in Camarillo, CA |
Jesse & Me heading out to reggae concerts all over Utah |
Me & Tara Thanksgiving break at her home in Rancho Cucamonga, CA |
Sophomore Year "Campu Plaza" Roomies, Kaui, Sipopo, Me & Katie (LA Temple) | |
Meeting awesome people & traveling the world
I loved that college (at both BYU's) offers you experiences to travel, FOR FREE! And you also learn more of the world, issues, differences out there.
(Paraguay-Argentia Trip) Tessi, Me, Steph & Kapua (Crystal) |
Catching the Metro in DC (Political Science/Public Policy Trip) Samantha, Me & Chelly w/baby Javhan | | |
Night Show Life
I'm glad I danced at Night Show. I made some of the best of friends there, who are now all Wifey's or Mommy's and live around the world. I learned to enjoy dancing other cultures, learning from the best & sharing the stage with the best. I danced both "Horizons" & "Ha", but miss all the girls from Horizons. I originally wanted to dance Canoe Show but didn't make the cut. In fact I was later told that I didn't get it because the girl auditioning didn't like me (WTF). I waited a week, nervously auditioned for Night Show and got it! (Better dancers get hired at Night Show anyways, lol)I became a makeup addict and hoarder! I got to meet the Prophet, majority of the Apostles, celebrities & traveling performance groups. I learned to manage school and work aka reviewing terms onstage in my head and running straight to the testing center before it closed. I also learned the definition of a "diva", how "politics" have a BIG influence on who gets hired/not hired, good/crappy costumes, front row/sand pit (lol), the itchy people that sleep around, the broke okole's who steal, and the fun ones who make me miss dancing. If I didn't do Night Show, I would've been a loner at BYU-H.

Getting Hitched!
Dating-Engaged-Married-TVA (lol) & Mahie
I'm glad I found my James Aspinall! |
Studying & working while pregnant, while battling postpartum, while nursing, while your daughter is tearing the house upside down.
lastly, ALWAYS being surrounded by the Gospel.
Some members have a hard time having both Church and Education together. I found that the only time I didn't like the two together, was when I wasn't living my life correctly. I'm proud to be a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. I'm grateful that my faith provided for my education, housing and college experience. I'm glad I attended BYU, however I will ALWAYS be a Cougar Fan :)
Like I said, I got the
BETTER deal.
Wouldn't change a thing.
Looking forward to what the future brings.....BRING IT ON!