26 January 2011

The Latest....

1) so one day james lost his cellphone, and my contract was almost done, so we ended up at AT&T as new customers with iphones. I didn't know that they were sold out at almost every Apple & AT&T Store. Wowzers! Anyways, I must say this phone has been pretty helpful for the couple weeks we've had them. Yes I love my phone, yes I pay little attention to the speaker in class, yes i love adding new apps, yes I love that its surrounded in a pink case.

2) I am SIX MONTHS...finally stared at my tummy in the mirror & realized that WOW, i have gotten bigger. To be honest, I wasn't keeping up with my baby calendar until a good friend of mine mentioned how it felt to be pass the halfway mark. Well, it feels like 5-6 pillows. If you've been hapai, you know what I mean. Pillow for the head, back, tummy prop, in between legs and under feet, etc. I'm slowly getting back to feeling tired more often, or just finding myself wanting to sleep earlier. James is amazed at my tummy growth, and how many times I say, "Im hungry" :)

3) we finally hit the BEACH. The weather has been extremely beautiful, clear skies & HOT!!! It was wonderful for my feet, getting a little massage with the sand and water. It was early morning so the ocean was clear and sparkled from the sun. A couple of people were walking to Goat Island. I told James how my friends and I would randomly head over to Goats, slipping and falling over the reef with our foodland rubber slippers. Its a cool little place. Great for skinny-dipping bahahaha (Me? NEVER! LOL) I need to take James over one time, strap him to a boogie board and tug him over :) 
Angel's Sundae YUM!
I can't wait to teach my kids to swim. James is hesitant when it comes to the ocean, but NOT me. I think my Dad contributed to this "No sked um, Go get um" relationship with the ocean. I can remember some of my earliest memories of swimming lessons: 
(Memory 1)Basically my Dad swimming out to the middle of nowhere and LETTING GO of me. I laugh now, but I can remember getting told to "Stop crying, you're swallowing the water and just kick, move your arms!"
(Memory 2) It was somewhere either at Alamoana or Waikiki, my Dad placed my two older brothers and I on a wall out in the ocean. Yes we were all very little because Hill (my little sister) was only a baby looking at us from the sand...and my Dad swam back to shore & left us. Was it fear that got me to the shore before my brothers??? I just remembered diving in, eyes open the whole time under water because I didn't want to be the last one left behind. I think Eric cried, LOL. 
(Memory 3) Holding onto my Dad's shoulders (maybe choking his neck at times) and body surfing with him through the waves. I've loved the ocean ever since. James is another story, he took a beginning swimming class his freshman year at BYUH, he told me this while we dated and i laughed my head off. (Don't worry love, I'll save you if needs be!) And my Mom, you don't even want to go there. Although my siblings and I all knew how to swim before Pre-School age, my Mom said if we went out too far, she'd just wave & sing 'Aloha Oe' :)

4) We've been thinking of a couple of NAMES...but nothing to be announced or decided upon until I have her in my arms. 

good night everyone, love from james, me & our little one!


  1. bwahahaha! That's how my dad did it! I mean, we had swimming lessons in a pool but my big test was swimming back from the reef at ala moana. he took the board away from me and had me swim and when i got tired he told me float on my back. lol. i was crying and floating! but i'm here and it's a memory i laugh back on!

  2. OMG you are too funny! And I just ate an Angels Sunday this past week!! Yeeyaa!! ANd Itold you iphones are totally worth it!!!! I feel so lost without mine :( And you could name her........bahahahaha nvm I won't mention it on here out loud, but after a video game!

  3. omg the name conversations we had were the worst! it was the hardest thing ever, uuuughhh! good luck to you guys though! hopefully u agree more than we did!
