17 February 2011

february, february

For once I did all of my homework early & I'm finally able to blog.
Tomorrow morning I take my Glucose Test, so I'm planning on making myself go to bed soon so that I won't be tempted to eat or drink late. Also I need to wake up early to drink the bottle before my 8:15am appointment. Anyways here's the lowdown on what's happened this past week:
BYUH held its Food Fest on Saturday...I tasted all that my tummy desired and more!
Just made 28 Weeks in this photo!
Me & all my different ethnic foods, yum yum. Can I just say the Samoan Plate was to die for!! Also the club that made the scrumptious Texas Sheet Cake or whatever its called.
She's growing very quickly now, I can feel it in my knee's and feet!
James & I celebrated my birthday as soon as the sun rose, well almost, and made a stop at all of my favorite STORES! Yes I dragged him alongside of me EVERY where :)
I'm such a fan of these over sized cards.

Heading out, it was so hot & I forgot to bring a water bottle. James wears a lot of black, blah. It's because he gets all the newest clothes from Isaac's clothing label: Defend Hawaii & Restless Kids. I'm still waiting for my free stuff brother!

Can you guess what stores we hit up? haha
if you're a beauty insider member of sephora, they give you a free gift on your bday
Here's James trying to teach me about strollers, oh please! He was so funny :)
We had many more things planned for the day, but we were both tired & pooped out. My parents even stole me away to have lunch, and then I was welcomed home to cleanliness & roses :) We even made cupcakes for our neighbors & friends later on, sorry I had no strength to take pictures <3
1st Baby Luau

1 comment:

  1. love all your gifts! what's in the bag from manuheali'i :)
